Ovulation test
As women are preparing to get pregnant, they are usually advised to track their ovulation for several months prior to conceiving. But those who are just starting their pre-pregnancy preparations or have irregular periods might not know when they actually ovulate.
Besides learning how to observe ovulation signs and symptoms, prospective mothers can take advantage of various ovulation tests to confirm that ovulation is, in fact, taking place. When a woman is able to estimate her ovulation day, she will also know on which days she has the highest chances of conceiving.
Keep on reading to discover the best ovulation tests, including self-assessment, at-home tests, and medical tests, which can become effective tools as you are getting ready for pregnancy.
Self-Assessment Ovulation Tests
Measuring Basal Body Temperature (BBT) :
Measuring basal body temperature is one of the most common ovulation tests. It is easy and straightforward, but it requires taking daily measurements for several months.
BBT is the temperature of the body at rest. Right before ovulation begins, there is a very small decrease in BBT, which is then followed by an increase as soon as ovulation starts. Recording this 0.4 – 1°F (0.2 – 0.5°C) increase over a few months will produce patterns of a woman’s ovulatory cycle.
Checking Cervical Mucus:
Many women notice changes in their vaginal mucus throughout the cycle without even realizing it. But for those preparing for pregnancy, checking cervical mucus is a helpful method of tracking down their ovulation.
As ovulation is approaching, the levels of estrogen are rising steadily, which makes the cervical mucus stretchy, clear, and more abundant. This egg-white consistency cervical mucus is a sign that a woman is in her fertile days. It does not, however, confirm that an egg has been released.
Checking Cervical Position:
Although it is generally a less preferred ovulation test, checking cervical position around ovulation can give cues about a woman’s ovulatory phase in a given time.
When a woman is in her fertile days, the cervix moves higher up into the body to facilitate the passage of the sperm into the reproductive tract. It also becomes soft, moist, and open.
These cervix changes during ovulation can be detected by inserting a clean finger into the vagina and locating the cervix. Because of its position, the cervix might be more difficult to locate around ovulation. It is, therefore, necessary to self-examine regularly throughout the cycle in order to notice the shift.
At-Home Ovulation Tests
Ovulation Test Kits :
The purpose of ovulation test kits, also called ovulation predictor kits (OPK), is to detect a rise in the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), called an LH surge. Some also detect estrogen levels.
A sharp LH increase is preceded by rising estrogen and eventually triggers the release of an egg 24 to 36 hours later. The pattern of increasing luteinizing hormone levels with the peak at 25-40 mlU/mL is a good indication that ovulation is about to take place, but the ovulation test kits cannot confirm if the egg is actually released.
Ovulation Microscopes :
Ovulation microscopes work by detecting the presence of crystalline structures, called ferns, in the saliva that forms prior to ovulation.
As a woman nears her ovulation day, an estrogen increase changes the salinity of her saliva. As a result, distinct structures are created that resemble ferns, which can be seen in a sample of dried saliva.
Medical Ovulation Tests
Although self-assessment and at-home testing are considered the best ovulation tests, there are other examinations that can be performed at a medical facility to confirm that ovulation is near. They include:
• Transvaginal ultrasound can be performed for a view of maturing follicles in the ovary when nearing ovulation. But because of the considerably higher cost of the test and the inconvenience of having to perform it daily at a medical facility, it is not a preferred ovulation test.
• Blood tests can check progesterone levels, which increase with the onset of ovulation. Results showing progesterone levels higher than 20nmol/L indicate that ovulation has occurred.
Key Takeaways
Women planning to get pregnant are commonly in search for ways to estimate the time of ovulation. One of the best ways to confirm that ovulation is, in fact, approaching is through ovulation tests. The two most commonly used ones consist of self-assessment tests, such as checking basal body temperature, cervical mucus, or cervical position, and at-home ovulation tests, which include ovulation test kits and microscopes. Alternatively, medical tests, such as ultrasounds or blood tests, can also be used to estimate when ovulation takes place, although they are not preferred approach. Overall, ovulation tests are helpful tools in optimizing conception efforts and detecting ovulation problems, especially in women undergoing evaluations for infertility.
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